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Found: 98975

Series: Emі і Taєmnij Klub Superdіvchat
Author: Mєlech Agnєshka
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-876-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Emі і taєmnij klub superdіvchat. Konі j loshata

24,00 €

Series: dytyachi piznaval′ni knyzhky
Category: Textbooks for children
Author: Rettl Elison
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-873-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

501 fakt, yakyy treba znaty z... istoriyi

34,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Batu Dorzh
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-888-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Tayemnytsya staroho Lamy

36,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Savka Iryna
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-603-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Try Marty

27,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Snyadanko Natalka
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-602-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi

27,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Foreign literature
Author: Byornstad Ketil′
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-903-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Dama z dolyny

30,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Foreign literature
Author: Pratchett Terri
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-908-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Poven neba kapelyuch

36,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Runi Salli
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-896-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Rozmovy z druzyamy

34,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Miranda Megan
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-922-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Ideal′na neznayomka

30,00 €

Series: poeziya
Category: Poetry. dramaturgy
Author: Musakovs′ka YUliya
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-902-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Boh svobody

30,00 €

Series: Korotka proza ta eseyistyka
Category: Modern prose
Author: Taran Lyudmyla
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-905-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Ayvenko, abo CHoloviky — tse...

27,00 €

Series: Korotka proza ta eseyistyka
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Bondar Andriy
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-913-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Lasoschi dlya Medora

30,00 €

Series: Mystetstvo i kul′tura
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Hovard Annabel′
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-897-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

TSe Karavadzho

38,00 €

Series: Biohrafiyi ta memuary
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Vol′vach Pavlo
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-917-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

20 + 1, abo Zemlya mertvych

36,00 €

Series: chudozhnya proza
Category: Modern prose
Author: Styazhkina Olena
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-894-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Smert′ leva Sesila mala sens

26,00 €

Series: Biohrafiyi ta memuary
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Zelins′kyy Andriy
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-921-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Moya mandrivka u Krayinu morpichiv

27,00 €

Series: Biohrafiyi ta memuary
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Arlov Uladzimyer
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-914-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Krayevyd z mentolovym aromatom

30,00 €

Series: biznes i samorozvytok
Category: Economy
Author: Arieli Den
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-901-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Dobre buty irratsional′nymy

32,00 €

Series: biznes i samorozvytok
Category: Marketing. Management
Author: B’yuzen Toni
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo 21
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-890-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: sold out

Mapa dumok

34,00 €

Series: biznes i samorozvytok
Category: Marketing. Management
Author: Bok Petra
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-904-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible


34,00 €

Series: kulinariya
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Morgentaler Dzheffri, Holmberh Marta
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo 21
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-679-889-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: sold out

Knyha barmena

44,00 €

Series: Polystoria
Category: Policy
Author: Sost. i otv. red. O.S. Voskobojnikov, O. Togoeva
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598-2362-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Anatomiya vlasti: gosudari i poddannye v evrope v Srednie veka i Novoe vremya

34,00 €

Series: Issledovaniya kul′tury
Category: Museums
Author: Surikova K.
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598-1965-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Muzej: Architekturnaya istoriya

23,00 €

Series: Ekonomicheskaya teoriya
Category: Economy
Author: Krauch K.
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598- 2170-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pobedit li gig-ekonomika?

24,00 €

Series: Politicheskaya teoriya
Category: Sociology. Social work
Author: Bajsha O.
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598-2371-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Diskursivnyj razlom social′nogo polya: Uroki Evromajdana

22,00 €

Series: Politicheskaya teoriya
Category: Sociology. Social work
Author: Skruton R.
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598-1788-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Duraki, moshenniki i podzhigateli: Mysliteli novych levych

29,00 €

Series: Istoriya i kul′tura YAponii
Category: Culture history
Author: Sost. i otv. red. A.N. Meshheryakov
Publisher: Izdatel′skij dom Vysshej shkoly ekonomiki
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-7598-2304-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya i kul′tura YAponii. Vyp. 13.

31,00 €

Series: Ukrayins′ka kolektsiya
Category: Painting
Author: Myzhyna V.V.
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-56-4
Publishing year: 2009
Delivery time: if possible

Muzeyni skarby CHarkova: al′bom: u 3 kn. Kn. 1. Mystetstvo Zachidnoyi YEvropy ta Schodu XV - XX st.

37,00 €

Category: Culture history
Author: Kozimenko A.V.
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-50-2
Publishing year: 2007
Delivery time: if possible

YAponiya. Cuba i poeziya

55,00 €

Category: Photography
Author: V.P. Titar, YU.O. SHejn
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-40-3
Publishing year: 2007
Delivery time: if possible

Serebryanyj vek CHar′kovskoj fotografii

50,00 €

Series: Ukrayins′ka kolektsiya
Category: Art History
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 966-8536-05-3
Publishing year: 2004
Delivery time: if possible

Starovynnyy CHarkiv u poshtovych kartkach

37,00 €

Category: Architecture
Author: YAtsyna O.A.,
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-48-9
Publishing year: 2008
Delivery time: if possible

Architekturna symfoniya CHarkova

37,00 €

Category: Culture history
Author: O.V. Astachova, T.M. Krupa, V.A. Sushko
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-45-8
Publishing year: 2008
Delivery time: if possible

Svyata ta pobut Slobozhanschyny: [al′bom]

37,00 €

Category: New history
Author: Potrashkov S.V
Publisher: Koloryt
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8536-54-0
Publishing year: 2009
Delivery time: if possible

Slobids′ky polky

37,00 €

Category: Religion
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-37-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Poslannya do Halativ: Naukovo-populyarnyy komentar

27,00 €

Category: Religion
Author: Halyna Teslyuk
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-36-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Knyha Ruty: Naukovo-populyarnyy komentar

26,00 €

Category: Religion
Author: Oliv’ye Kleman
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7637-25-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Dzherela rann′ochrystyyans′koyi mistyky: teksty i komentari

43,00 €

Category: Religion
Author: Marta Bohachevs′ka-CHomyak
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7637-26-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Hromada – yepyskop – TSerkva: Konstantyn Bohachevs′kyy i stanovlennya ukrayins′koyi katolyts′koyi mytropoliyi v SSHA

43,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: YEvheniya Doloshyts′ka-Vynnychuk
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-34-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Odpysky z mamtsenych perepysov

40,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Mychaylo Tershakovets′
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-35-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Markiyan SHashkevych ta yoho ideyi na tli ukrayins′koho vidrodzhennya

41,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Herman Pirchner
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-32-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Pislya Putina: Nastupnyky, stabil′nist′ i maybutnye Rosiyi

32,00 €

Category: International relationships
Author: Oleksandr Pahirya
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Ukrayins′koho Katolyts′koho Universytetu
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7608-30-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Karpats′ka Ukrayina v dokumentach Druhoyi CHecho-Slovats′koyi respubliky: u 2 kn.

63,00 €

Series: Avtors′ki zibrannya
Category: Modern prose
Author: Kurkov A.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8196-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Sadivnyk z Ochakova

20,00 €

Series: Velykyy naukovyy proekt
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Frants M., CHaruk A.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8989-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Seredzemnomors′ke perechrestya

23,00 €

Series: Proekt Ukrayina
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: YAnevs′kyy D.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8902-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Proekt Ukrayina.Architektory,vykonroby,robitnyky. Teksty

41,00 €

Series: Uchys′ darom
Category: English
Author: Perlova V.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9451-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Anhliys′ka shvydko. 2000 sliv na kozhen den′ (m)

19,00 €

Series: Biblioteka klasychnoyi svitovoyi naukovoyi dumky
Category: Philosophy
Author: Huserl′ E.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9258-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Ideyi chystoyi fenomenolohiyi i fenomenolohichnoyi filosofiyi. Kn.1.Zahal′nyy vstup do chystoyi fenomenolohiyi

37,00 €

Series: Okreme vydannya
Category: Modern prose
Author: Hluchiv V.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9516-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Labirynty chramu

21,00 €

Series: Retroroman
Category: Modern prose
Author: Kudrin O.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9452-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Dvoryanin іz Ribnich kramnichok. Odesa-1818

22,00 €

Series: Spravzhni heroyi
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Buraya D.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9492-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Vіtalіj Markіv

19,00 €