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Found: 98975

Series: Vtorzhenie. Novinki fantastiki
Category: Modern prose
Author: Fishman A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-122228-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mezh trech mirov. Tom 1

29,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Bunin I.A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-114114-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Temnye allei

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Goncharov I.A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119090-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Gor′kij M.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121399-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Na dne

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Zamyatin E.I.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119089-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Bulgakov M.A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119085-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Gogol′ N.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-117884-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mertvye dushi

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Bulgakov M.A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-115619-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Master i Margarita

22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Poetry. dramaturgy
Author: Achmatova A.A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121398-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Leskov N.S.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-116651-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ledi Makbet Mcenskogo uezda

22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Pushkin A.S.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121401-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kapitanskaya dochka

22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Saltykov-SHHedrin M.E.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121193-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya odnogo goroda

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: CHechov A.P.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-122068-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dama s sobachkoj

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Ostrovskij A.N., Dobrolyubov N.A., Grigor′ev A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119071-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Kuprin A.I.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119070-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Granatovyj braslet

22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Lermontov M.YU.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-117891-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geroj nashego vremeni

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Gogol′ N.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-117280-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vechera na chutore bliz Dikan′ki

21,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Dostoevskij F.M.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119064-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Brat′ya Karamazovy

22,00 €

Series: Vsemirnaya literatura (novoe oformlenie)
Category: Classical literature
Author: Tolstoj L.N.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119061-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Anna Karenina

22,00 €

Series: Vse kraski zhizni: romany o lyubvi Evgenii Perovoj (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Perova E.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121709-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Protiv techeniya

22,00 €

Series: Vse kraski zhizni: romany o lyubvi Evgenii Perovoj (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Perova E.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119793-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

K drugomu beregu

22,00 €

Series: Vse kraski zhizni: romany o lyubvi Evgenii Perovoj (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Perova E.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119301-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Drugaya zhenshhina

22,00 €

Series: Vse kraski zhizni: romany o lyubvi Evgenii Perovoj (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Perova E.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-118885-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Drug detstva

22,00 €

Series: Volshebnye miry Mileny Zavojchinskoj
Category: Modern prose
Author: Zavojchinskaya M.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121082-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Irzhina. Sluchajnoe – ne sluchajno

27,00 €

Series: Volshebnye miry Mileny Zavojchinskoj
Category: Modern prose
Author: Zavojchinskaya M.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-117941-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Irzhina. Vsyo ne tak, kak kazhetsya…

27,00 €

Series: Volshebnye miry Mileny Zavojchinskoj
Category: Modern prose
Author: Zavojchinskaya M.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-117408-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dom na perekrestke. Pod nebom chetyrech mirov

27,00 €

Series: Voenno-istoricheskaya fantastika
Category: Modern prose
Author: Caplin A.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-111975-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

SHturmovik. Minuta do celi

27,00 €

Series: Voenno-istoricheskaya fantastika
Category: Modern prose
Author: SHmaev V.G.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121086-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mstitel′. Leto nadezhd

28,00 €

Series: Voenno-istoricheskaya fantastika
Category: Modern prose
Author: Tarugin O.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-111972-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Morpech. Malaya zemlya

27,00 €

Series: Vlechenie. Romany o strasti
Category: Modern prose
Author: Kvin A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121234-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


26,00 €

Series: Vkus lyubvi. Ostroe zhelanie
Category: Modern prose
Author: Nevelichka A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-122599-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

YA posazhu tebya v kletku

26,00 €

Series: Vkus lyubvi. Ostroe zhelanie
Category: Modern prose
Author: Vechnaya O.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-120340-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Slomannaya zashhita

26,00 €

Series: Vkus lyubvi. Ostroe zhelanie
Category: Modern prose
Author: Raj A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-120300-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ne moya zhena

26,00 €

Series: Vkus lyubvi. Ostroe zhelanie
Category: Modern prose
Author: Nevelichka A.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121036-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lyubi menya polnost′yu

26,00 €

Series: Viktorianskij detektiv (poket bol′shogo format)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Douson N.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-123250-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zmeya v gostinoj

23,00 €

Series: Vzlet i padenie Tret′ego Rejcha
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Degrell′ L.
Publisher: Rodina
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-00180-053-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lyubimec Gitlera: Ot ryadovogo vermachta do komanduyushhego diviziej SS. Srazhayas′ na Vostochnom fronte

34,00 €

Series: Vzlet i padenie Tret′ego Rejcha
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Mitchem S., Myuller Dzh.
Publisher: Rodina
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-00180-146-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Komandiry Tret′ego rejcha

31,00 €

Series: Vzlet i padenie Tret′ego Rejcha
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Mazer V.
Publisher: Rodina
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-00180-116-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Adol′f Gitler. Legenda. Mif. Dejstvitel′nost′

33,00 €

Series: Vesennie romany (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Voronova M.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-116833-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pogruzhenie v otrazhenie

21,00 €

Series: Vesennie romany (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Klimova YU.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-118782-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dom pevchich ptic

21,00 €

Series: Vesennie romany (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Kolochkova V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-116882-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dve Rozy

21,00 €

Series: Vesennie romany (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Mironova A.V.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-118924-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vosstavshaya iz pepla

21,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (podarochnoe izdanie)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T., Polyakova T., Litvinovy A. i S.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121782-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Letnyaya kollekciya detektiva

36,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T., Volodarskaya O., Michajlova E. i dr.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-113820-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Plyazhnyj detektiv

22,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T.V., Litvinovy A. i S., Volodarskaya O. i dr.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121199-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Luchshij drug detektiva

22,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T., Litvinovy A. i S., Michajlova E. i dr.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-121848-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


23,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T., Litvinovy A. i S., Michajlova E. i dr.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119526-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Detektiv dal′nich stranstvij

22,00 €

Series: Velikolepnye detektivnye istorii (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Ustinova T., Litvinovy A. i S., Volodarskaya O. i dr.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-119285-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


22,00 €

Series: Velikie tajny proshlogo. Detektivy E. Barsovoj (oblozhka)
Category: Modern prose
Author: Barsova E.
Publisher: Ėksmo
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-04-116158-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zmej v sadu Vatikana

22,00 €

Series: Velikie vspominayut
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Kapica P.L.
Publisher: Rodina
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-00180-089-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Delovye pis′ma. Velikij russkij fizik o nasushhnom

35,00 €