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Found: 98975

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Stoliy I.L.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-950-9
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHrestomatiya z zarubizhnoyi literatury. 7 klas. Seriya Vershyny daleki i blyz′ki

29,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Vlasov V.S., Kul′chyts′kyy S.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-947-9
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny (riven′ standartu). Pidruchnyk dlya 10 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Vlasov V.S., Kul′chyts′kyy S.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-948-6
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny (profil′nyy riven′). Pidruchnyk dlya 10 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kovbasenko YU.I.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-075-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zarubizhna literatura (riven′ standartu). Pidruchnyk dlya 11 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kovbasenko YU.I.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-076-0
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zarubizhna literatura (profil′nyy riven′). Pidruchnyk dlya 11 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-267-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 10–11 klasy. Zoshyt-trenazher iz pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Slon′ovs′ka O.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-073-9
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura (riven′ standartu). Pidruchnyk dlya 11 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Slon′ovs′ka O.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-074-6
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura (profil′nyy riven′). Pidruchnyk dlya 11 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Slon′ovs′ka O.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-909-7
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura (riven′ standartu). Pidruchnyk dlya 10 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Vlasov V.S.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-797-0
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny. Pidruchnyk dlya 9 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Vitaliy Vlasov, Oleksandr Panarin, YUliya Topol′nyts′ka
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-155-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny. Pidruchnyk dlya 7 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Vitaliy Vlasov, Oleksandr Panarin, YUliya Topol′nyts′ka
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-271-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny. Pidruchnyk dlya 8 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Rud′ O.L., Ischenko A.YU.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-862-5
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

TEKSTY I TESTY. Robochyy zoshyt z ukrayins′koyi movy z interaktyvnymy dodatkamy. 9 klas

29,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kovbasenko YU.I., Kovbasenko L.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-795-6
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zarubizhna literatura. Pidruchnyk dlya 9 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Ister O. S.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-745-1
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Matematyka z interaktyvnymy videourokamy. 5 klas

31,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-266-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 8 klas. Zoshyt-trenazher z pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Slon′ovs′ka O.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-796-3
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura. Pidruchnyk dlya 9 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-161-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 9 klas. Zoshyt-trenazher iz pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-159-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 7 klas. Zoshyt-trenazher iz pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-274-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura. Pidruchnyk dlya 8 klasu

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-163-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 5 klas. Zoshyt-trenazher iz pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-164-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. 6 klas. Zoshyt-trenazher iz pravopysu

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-229-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pravyl′ne movlennya

35,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Rud′ O.L., Ischenko A.YU.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-746-8
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova z interaktyvnymy testamy, audiodyktantamy, elektronnymy slovnykamy. 5 klas

31,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-219-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Novatsiyi pravopysu: zoshyt-praktykum z ukrayins′koyi movy. 6–11 klasy

27,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Zabolotnyy V.V., Zabolotnyy O.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-230-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′kyy pravopys – tse dostupno!

35,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: SHevchuk L.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-131-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Veseli istoriyi pro litni kanikuly (z 3 u 4 klas)

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Malyarchuk A. YA.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-196-1
Publishing year: 2016
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Simeynyy lohoped: dlya bat′kiv i ditey

39,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: SHevchuk L.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-892-2
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Veseli istoriyi pro litni kanikuly (z 1 u 2 klas)

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: SHevchuk L.V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-893-9
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Veseli istoriyi pro litni kanikuly (z 2 u 3 klas)

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Rud′ O.L.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-738-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Tlumachnyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Mel′nyk N. P.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-236-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Orfohrafichnyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Za litsenziyeyu REA (Warszawa)
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-372-9
Publishing year: 2012
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ispans′ka dlya pochatkovoho i seredn′oho rivnya (A1-V1). Hramatyka, slovnyk

31,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Rud′ O.L.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-739-0
Publishing year: 2016
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Frazeolohichnyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Horbach L., Horbach YU.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-869-4
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Nimets′ko-ukrayins′kyy, ukrayins′ko-nimets′kyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Tkachova N. V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-773-4
Publishing year: 2017
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pol′s′ko-ukrayins′kyy, ukrayins′ko-pol′s′kyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Za litsenziyeyu REA (Warszawa)
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-239-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Anhliys′ka dlya pochatkovoho i seredn′oho rivnya (A1-V1). Hramatyka, slovnyk

31,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Bida O.A., Deriy S.I. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-631-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Biolohiya. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Byzova N. I., Komarova L.M.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-237-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Anhlo-ukrayins′kyy, ukrayins′ko-anhliys′kyy slovnyk

26,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Didovych M.M., Korshak YE.V.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-324-8
Publishing year: 2013
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Fizyka. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Hryn′ova M. V. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-905-9
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHimiya. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Dyyak O.V., Prudka V.M.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-323-1
Publishing year: 2014
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka mova. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Hayshtut O.H. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-224-5
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Matematyka. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Meleshko V.A. ta in.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-512-9
Publishing year: 2014
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ukrayins′ka literatura. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kozak L. Z.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-281-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Informatyka. Robochyy zoshyt. 4 klas (do pidr. Kozak L. Z.)

28,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kobernik S.H., Kovalenko R.R.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-118-7
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Heohrafiya. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

42,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Kul′chyts′kyy S. V., Vlasov V. S., Panarin O. YE.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-178-981-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Ukrayiny. Dovidnyk dlya abituriyentiv ta shkolyariv

43,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Ischenko O. L.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-293-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dydaktychni kartky YA doslidzhuyu svit (pryrodnycha haluz′). 4 klas

25,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Liliya Kozak
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-256-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Informatyka. 4 klas. Pidruchnyk

52,00 €

Category: School textbooks ( 7041 )
Author: Ischenko O. L., Minina N. M.
Publisher: Litera LTD
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-945-297-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Diahnostychni roboty. YA doslidzhuyu svit. 4 klas

28,00 €