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Leksicheskie lovushki dlya nachinayushhego perevodchika. Francuzskij yazyk: ucheb. posobie

  • Publishing country: Russia
    Language: Russian
    Author: Porshneva E.R., Lapshin S.V.
    Publisher: FLINTA
    Publishing city: Moskva
    ISBN: 978-5-9765-3568-8
    Publishing year: 2018
    Number of pages: 176
    Binding: Paperback

  • Predlagaemoe posobie naceleno na profilaktiku leksicheskoj interferencii vo francuzskoj rechi. V nem sobrany russkie i francuzskie leksicheskie edinicy, provociruyushhie naibolee rasprostranennye oshibki u russkoyazychnyh studentov, govoryashhih na francuzskom yazyke. Problemnye leksemy predstavleny v kommunikativnom kontekste, soprovozhdayutsya kommentariyami i uprazhneniyami. V celom posobie orientirovano na tretij i chetvertyj god obucheniya, no mozhet byt′ ispol′zovano i na bolee rannem ėtape. Dlya prepodavatelej i studentov perevodcheskih fakul′tetov, a takzhe dlya vseh, kto sovershenstvuet navyki vladeniya francuzskim yazykom.

Category: Translation
Publishing country: Russia
Language: Russian
Author: Porshneva E.R., Lapshin S.V.
Publisher: FLINTA
Publishing city: Moskva
ISBN: 978-5-9765-3568-8
Publishing year: 2018
Number of pages: 176
Binding: Paperback
Weight: 183гр.
Format: Printed book
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Predlagaemoe posobie naceleno na profilaktiku leksicheskoj interferencii vo francuzskoj rechi. V nem sobrany russkie i francuzskie leksicheskie edinicy, provociruyushhie naibolee rasprostranennye oshibki u russkoyazychnyh studentov, govoryashhih na francuzskom yazyke. Problemnye leksemy predstavleny v kommunikativnom kontekste, soprovozhdayutsya kommentariyami i uprazhneniyami. V celom posobie orientirovano na tretij i chetvertyj god obucheniya, no mozhet byt′ ispol′zovano i na bolee rannem ėtape. Dlya prepodavatelej i studentov perevodcheskih fakul′tetov, a takzhe dlya vseh, kto sovershenstvuet navyki vladeniya francuzskim yazykom.

23,00 €

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Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

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Category: Translation
Author: Porshneva E.R., Lapshin S.V.
Publisher: FLINTA
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9765-3568-8
Publishing year: 2018
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

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Lesya Ukrayinka u sviti perekladu 

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Publisher: FLINTA
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Publishing year: 2018
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Perevod obraznoj leksiki : Kognitivno-diskursivnyj podchod: ucheb. posobie

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Publisher: FLINTA
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Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

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Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

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Publishing year: 2017
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Publishing year: 2017
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Publisher: Vydavnychyy dim Dmytra Buraho
Publishing country: Ukraine
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Publishing year: 2017
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Publishing country: Ukraine
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Publishing year: 2017
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Category: Translation
Author: Gal′ N.
Publisher: VREMYA
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9691-1875-1
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

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Publisher: TSentr navchal′noyi literatury
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-673-697-4
Publishing year: 2018
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Aktual′ni problemy teoriyi i praktyky suchasnoho perekladu

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Publisher: TSentr navchal′noyi literatury
Publishing country: Ukraine
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Vstup do teoriyi perekladu. 

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Publisher: FLINTA
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9765-2966-3
Publishing year: 2021
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Publisher: FLINTA
Publishing country: Russia
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Publishing year: 2018
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Publishing year: 2019
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Lingvokul′turologicheskij aspekt perevoda: praktikum

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Anglo-russkie oboroty nauchnoj rechi: metod. posobie

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