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Reference book (2038)    |    Linguistics (5427)    |    Literature (48047)    |    Culture. Traditions (8903)    |    Art (4434)    |    Social science (27009)    |    Natural sciences (2821)    |    Industry (11)    |    Medicine (992)    |    Industry (1)

Found: 98975

Category: Modern prose
Author: Dzhennifer Rayan
Publisher: Knyholav
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8286-06-4
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kuchonnyy front

49,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Vitaliy Mychaylovs′kyy
Publisher: Klio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-569-598-2
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Nashi koroli — Reges Nostri. Volodari ta dynastiyi v istoriyi Ukrayiny (1340–1795)

63,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Hanna Ulyura
Publisher: Klio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-569-622-4
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pysaty viynu

46,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Prynts Aloyiz
Publisher: Klio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-569-588-3
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Na porozi schastya. Biohrafiya Frantsa Kafky

49,00 €

Series: Klio
Category: New history
Author: Daniel′ Bovua
Publisher: Klio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7755-61-5
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Trykutnyk Pravoberezhzhya: tsarat, shlyachta i narod. 1793–1914 rr. Druhe vydannya (pereklad z fr.)

83,00 €

Series: Morok
Category: Modern prose
Author: Horst Yorn Liyer
Publisher: Nora-Druk
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-688-107-9
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Slidstvo v merezhi. Per. z norv. Nataliyi Ivanychuk

42,00 €

Category: Poetry. dramaturgy
Author: Lad Kupava
Publisher: Hamazyn
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-2792-50-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pastushkovi dekameronchyky

43,00 €

Category: Historical Novel
Author: Butsyk YEvhen
Publisher: Hamazyn
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-2792-53-9
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

TSina rabstva. Pid krylom yanhola

45,00 €

Category: Policy
Author: Brati Kapranov
Publisher: Zelenyy Pes
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-2792-57-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Іstorіya Єvropi. Ukraїns′kij poglyad

63,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Hyrych Serhiy
Publisher: Hamazyn
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-2792-54-6
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Semyholovyy drakon

42,00 €

Series: Senkovskij O.I. Sobranie sochinenij v 5 tomach
Category: Collected Works
Author: Senkovskij O.I.
Publisher: Izdatel′stvo Dmitrij Sechin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-6046487-8-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sobranie sochinenij v 5 tomach. Tom 3

52,00 €

Series: Senkovskij O.I. Sobranie sochinenij v 5 tomach
Category: Collected Works
Author: Senkovskij O.I.
Publisher: Izdatel′stvo Dmitrij Sechin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-6046487-1-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sobranie sochinenij v 5 tomach. Tom 2

52,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Tereschenko Olena, Bilohura Oleksandr
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-02-6
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

TERIMEN. Fantastychna povist′

38,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Mila Polans′ka
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-08-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

RUSALIYI. Etnichne fentezi. (Koronatsiya slova)

48,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: SHkaboy Viktoriya
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8052-99-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


45,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Natalіya Uіllrajt
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-37-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

KLYUCHNIK SVІTІV. SEREDNІ ZEMLІ. (Kniga druga). Mіs′ke fentezі

39,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Piter Bleyker
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-6178244-09-5
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

RAYDUHA NAVKOLO SONTSYA. Pryhodnyts′ka povist′

39,00 €

Series: Kol′orova seriya
Category: Modern prose
Author: Voronyy M.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-36-1
Publishing year: 2024
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


41,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: SHkaboy Viktoriya
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-07-1
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


45,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Polischuk Andriy
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-16-3
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


39,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHubka O.M., CHoma I.B., Lyvdar M.V.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-49-1
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Finansovyy analiz: praktykum

40,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHubka O.M., Skoropad I.S., Kurylo O.B.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-26-2
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Finansova statystyka: pidruchnyk.

44,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHerep A.V., Buhay V.Z., Horbunova A.V., CHerep O.H.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-40-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Finansove planuvannya : navchal′nyy posibnyk

50,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHoma I.B., Bondarenko L.P., CHubka O.M.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-48-4
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Modelyuvannya finansovych rishen′ v umovach nevyznachenosti: navchal′nyy posibnyk

49,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: pid zah. Red. d.e.n., prof. Palyvody O. M.-
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-50-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Problemy ta priorytety ekonomichnoyi intehratsiyi transportnych system Ukrayi ny ta YES: kolektyvna monohrafiya

51,00 €

Category: Literary studies
Author: Koloshuk N. H.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-06-4
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya zarubizhnoyi literatury CHCH stolittya: u 2 ch. CHastyna 1: Moderna doba: navchal′nyy posibnyk dlya zakladiv vyschoyi osvity.

72,00 €

Category: Marketing. Management
Author: Pryshchenko S.V.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-05-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Poster and New Media. A Visual language of Advertising graphics. Monograph.

48,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHernobay L.I., YAsins′ka T.V.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-04-0
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ekonomika YEvropeys′koho Soyuzu: teoretychnyy ta prykladnyy aspekty: navchal′nyy posibnyk

42,00 €

Category: Marketing. Management
Author: O. Staschuk, N. Biletska, T. Kulinich, O. Suzdalieva, L. Lytvynenko, Y. Popova.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-28-6
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Financial and Investment Management. Textbook

49,00 €

Category: Marketing. Management
Author: T. Voichenko, S.Lytvynenko, M.Buhaiova, I. Medvediev, N. Remzina, Y. Popova.
Publisher: Kondor
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-8244-43-9
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

International Transportation. Textbook

49,00 €

Series: motyvatsiya
Category: Marketing. Management
Author: Ul′rike Ulig, Melori Knodel′, Nil′s Ten Ever, Korin Kat
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-448-130-1
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Svoboda v merezhi

46,00 €

Series: Biohrafiyi
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Dzhovanni Katelli
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-448-102-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kamyu maye pomerty

39,00 €

Series: CHudozhestvennaya slovesnost′
Category: Modern prose
Author: Elena Zejfert
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1975-3
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Plavil′naya lodochka. Karagandinskaya povest′

36,00 €

Series: Deyateli Rossijskoj nacional′noj biblioteki
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Micheeva G. V
Publisher: Rossijskaya nacional′naya biblioteka
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-8192-0641-6
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Dmitrij Petrovich Buturlin

33,00 €

Category: Policy
Author: Linn CHant
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1982-1
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Izobretenie prav cheloveka. Istoriya

41,00 €

Series: Novaya poeziya
Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Elena Kostyleva
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1996-8
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


38,00 €

Category: Culture history
Author: Etkind, A.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-2114-5
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vnutrennyaya kolonizaciya: Imperskij opyt Rossii, 6-e izd.

40,00 €

Category: Culture history
Author: Syutkina, O., Syutkin, P.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-2102-2
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Russkaya kuchnya: ot mifa k nauke. 2-e izd.

44,00 €

Category: Culture history
Author: Zadvornyj, V.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1979-1
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Francuzskaya kuchnya v Rossii i russkoj literature

39,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Blansho Moris
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1987-6
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Golos. prishedshij izvne

37,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Rozenvejn, B.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1980-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lyubov′: istoriya v pyati fantaziyach

39,00 €

Series: Rossiya v memuarah
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Vodovozov, V. V.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1989-0
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

«ZHazhdu buri…» Vospominaniya, dnevnik. T. II

44,00 €

Series: Rossiya v memuarah
Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Vodovozov, V. V.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1988-3
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

«ZHazhdu buri…» Vospominaniya, dnevnik. T. I

44,00 €

Series: Gasparov Michail. Sobranie sochinenij v shesti tomach
Category: Collected Works
Author: Michail Gasparov
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1986-9
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sobranie sochinenij v shesti tomach. T. 6: Nauka i prosvetitel′stvo

57,00 €

Series: Nauchnaya biblioteka
Category: Culture history
Author: Belousov, A.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1971-5
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kul′tura. Literatura. Fol′klor

45,00 €

Category: Cinema
Author: Smagina, S.
Publisher: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-4448-1993-7
Publishing year: 2023
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Novaya zhenshhina v kinematografe perechodnych istoricheskich periodov

41,00 €

Category: Culture history
Publisher: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet (SPbGU)
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-288-06120-2
Publishing year: 2022
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHranilishhe tajn: Izbrannye persidskie rukopisi iz sobraniya Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta

112,00 €

Category: Architecture
Publisher: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet (SPbGU)
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-288-06275-9
Publishing year: 2022
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kollekciya znanij. SPBU HOR TUS Botanicheskij sad Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universitete

130,00 €

Category: Literary studies
Author: L. A. Verbickaya
Publisher: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet (SPbGU)
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-288-06303-9
Publishing year: 2022
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Izbrannye stat′i

39,00 €

Category: Education
Publisher: Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet (SPbGU)
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-288-06227-8
Publishing year: 2022
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Technologii uspeshnogo obucheniya. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie

60,00 €