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Found: 98975

Category: Philosophy
Author: Belyaev V.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7076-4
ISBN addition: Беляев В.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Filosofiya v zerkale sociokul′turnoj metodologii (cherez kritiku pozicii YU.I.Semenova): Kniga 1: Osnovnye predstavleniya

47,00 €

Series: Sinergetika: ot proshlogo k budushhemu
Category: Science
Author: Bezruchko B.P., Koronovskij A.A., Trubeckov D.I., CHramov A.E.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7732-9
ISBN addition: Безручко Б.П., Короновский А.А., Трубецков Д.И., Храмов А.Е.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Put′ v sinergetiku: Ekskurs v desyati lekciyach

45,00 €

Category: Philosophy
Author: Baryshnikov P.N.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7454-0
ISBN addition: Барышников П.Н.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Filosofiya dlya lingvistov: YAzyk, soznanie, real′nost′: gorizonty smysla

45,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya ob anarhizme
Category: Philosophy
Author: Bakunin M.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7306-2
ISBN addition: Бакунин М.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gosudarstvennost′ i anarchiya: Bor′ba dvuch partij v Internacional′nom obshhestve rabochich

44,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya ob anarhizme
Category: New history
Author: Bakunin M.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7218-8
ISBN addition: Бакунин М.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Knuto-germanskaya imperiya i social′naya revolyuciya

33,00 €

Series: Klassicheskij uchebnik MGU
Category: Physics
Author: Bazarov I.P., Gevorkyan E.V., Nikolaev P.N.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7638-4
ISBN addition: Базаров И.П., Геворкян Э.В., Николаев П.Н.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zadachi po termodinamike i statisticheskoj fizike

52,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya ob anarchizme, RACIONALISTICHESKIJ podchod k yavleniyu RELIGIYA
Category: Policy
Author: Bakunin M.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7217-1
ISBN addition: Бакунин М.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Federalizm, socializm i antiteologizm. Nauka i narod. Nauka i nasushhnoe revolyucionnoe delo

35,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: B.S. Gorobec, K.A. Michajlov, N.V. Musatova, YU.P. Suprunenko, P.P. Suprunenko, S.N. Fedin
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7430-4
ISBN addition: Б.С. Горобец, К.А. Михайлов, Н.В. Мусатова, Ю.П. Супруненко, П.П. Супруненко, С.Н. Федин
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Uchenye snova shutyat

36,00 €

Category: Literary studies
Author: Afanas′eva E.M.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7381-9
ISBN addition: Афанасьева Э.М.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ontologiya imeni v tvorchestve russkich pisatelej nachala XIX veka: Literaturnoe obshhestvo Arzamas, A.S.Pushkin, M.YU.Lermontov

39,00 €

Series: Fiziko-matematicheskoe nasledie: matematika (istoriya matematiki)
Category: Mathematic
Author: Arnol′d V.I.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-6909-6
ISBN addition: Арнольд В.И.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gyujgens i Barrou, N′yuton i Guk: Pervye shagi matematicheskogo analiza i teorii katastrof, ot evol′vent do kvazikristallov

33,00 €

Series: Iz naslediya mirovoj filosofskoj mysli: social′naya filosofiya
Category: Policy
Author: An-skij S.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-6834-1
ISBN addition: Ан-ский С.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHto takoe anarchizm?

35,00 €

Series: Sinergetika: ot proshlogo k budushhemu
Category: Mathematic
Author: Arnol′d V.I.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-6906-5
ISBN addition: Арнольд В.И.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Teoriya katastrof

35,00 €

Series: Akademiya fundamental′nych issledovanij: MIFOLOGIYA, RELIGIYA, ATEIZM
Category: Religion
Author: Anichkov E.V.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7903-3
ISBN addition: Аничков Е.В.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

YAzychestvo i Drevnyaya Rus′

39,00 €

Category: History of other countries
Author: Alaev L.B.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7066-5
ISBN addition: Алаев Л.Б.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Takoj ya videl Indiyu: 50 let nazad, ili Vechnaya Indiya

42,00 €

Category: General History
Author: Alekseeva-Karnevali O.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-6940-9
ISBN addition: Алексеева-Карневали О.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Topologii vojny: Vojna kak transformaciya: Ot Klauzevica do sovetskoj voennoj teorii

54,00 €

Category: General History
Author: Ajrapetyan M.S.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7446-5
ISBN addition: Айрапетян М.С.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mirovye civilizacii i ekonomicheskie cikly (sravnitel′no-istoricheskij analiz): Koncepcii i determinanty mirovoj istorii

54,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya o marksizme
Category: Philosophy
Author: Adoratskij V.V.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7139-6
ISBN addition: Адоратский В.В.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Programma po osnovnym voprosam marksizma: Posobie dlya studentov i dlya kruzhkov povyshennogo tipa

46,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya o marksizme
Category: Philosophy
Author: Adoratskij V.V.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7028-3
ISBN addition: Адоратский В.В.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Nauchnyj kommunizm Karla Marksa

46,00 €

Series: Akademiya fundamental′nyh issledovanij: ISTORIYA
Category: History of other countries
Author: Abaza V.A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7898-2
ISBN addition: Абаза В.А.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Istoriya Armenii

35,00 €

Series: Iz naslediya I.T.Frolova
Category: Philosophy
Author: Frolov I.T.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7871-5
ISBN addition: Фролов И.Т.
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

O cheloveke i gumanizme: Raboty raznych let

45,00 €

Series: Razmyshlyaya o marksizme
Category: Policy
Author: ---
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7002-3
ISBN addition: ---
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Bor′ba bol′shevikov za sozdanie Kommunisticheskogo Internacionala: Materialy i dokumenty 1914--1919 gg.

52,00 €

Series: Fiziko-matematicheskoe nasledie: matematika (filosofiya matematiki)
Category: Mathematic
Author: Foss A.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7994-1
ISBN addition: Фосс А.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sushhnost′ matematiki. Per. s nem.

35,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: Pichorovich V.D.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7963-7
ISBN addition: Пихорович В.Д.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Logika «koronakrizisa»: Mirovaya ekonomicheskaya katastrofa nachala XXI veka. Marksistskij analiz

47,00 €

Category: Biological sciences
Author: Novikov N.N.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7930-9
ISBN addition: Новиков Н.Н.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Biochimiya rastenij

57,00 €

Series: NAUKU - VSEM! SHedevry nauchno-populyarnoj literatury (matematika), Nauki ob iskusstvennom
Category: Economy
Author: Moiseev N.N.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7974-3
ISBN addition: Моисеев Н.Н.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lyudi i kibernetika: Sovershenstvovanie organizacii upravleniya ekonomicheskoj i social′noj zhizn′yu

47,00 €

Series: NAUKU - VSEM! SHedevry nauchno-populyarnoj literatury (fizika)
Category: Physics
Author: Gulia N.V.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7967-5
ISBN addition: Гулиа Н.В.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


45,00 €

Series: Iz naslediya L.P.Grimaka
Category: Psychology
Author: Grimak L.P.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7921-7
ISBN addition: Гримак Л.П.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Modelirovanie sostoyanij cheloveka v gipnoze

41,00 €

Category: General History
Author: Vasil′ev YU.A., Vasil′eva M.YU.
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7989-7
ISBN addition: Васильев Ю.А., Васильева М.Ю.
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lomonosov - tvorec i podvizhnik rossijskogo istoriopisaniya: Reprezentaciya istorii

47,00 €

Series: RACIONALISTICHESKIJ podchod k yavleniyu RELIGIYA
Category: Religion
Author: A. fon Garnak
Publisher: LENAND
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9710-7980-4
ISBN addition: А. фон Гарнак
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sushhnost′ christianstva. Per. s nem.

47,00 €

Author: Bernet Frensys
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9263-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Tayemnyy sad

28,00 €

Series: Іstorіya Єvropejs′koї civіlіzacії v 8 tomach
Category: General History
Author: Za redakcієyu Umberto Eko
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8854-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Іstorіya єvropejs′koї civіlіzacії. Grecіya

103,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Dolenha-Mostovych T.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9130-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible


27,00 €

Series: Galic′ka saga
Category: Modern prose
Author: Lushhik P.M.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9227-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Galic′ka saga. Tіn′ nezalezhnostі. kn.2

35,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Konrad Dzh.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9112-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Vyzvolennya. Roman milyn

28,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: London Dzhek
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9111-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Pryhody Slipuchoho

27,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Baydachenko Anastasiya
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9128-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Samostiyna dama. Femme sole. 1419-1436

31,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: London Dzhek
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9086-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Syn Vovka

27,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: ZHabotyns′kyy V.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8972-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible


25,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: London Dzhek
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9083-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Smok Bellyu. Smok i SHorti

27,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Olkott Luyiza Mey
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8962-5
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Malen′ki zhinky. CH.2

28,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: CHarris Robert
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9126-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Imperiy. kn.1

36,00 €

Series: Іstorіya Єvropejs′koї civіlіzacії v 8 tomach
Category: General History
Author: Za redakcієyu Umberto Eko
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9009-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Іstorіya єvropejs′koї civіlіzacії. Seredn′ovіchchya. Ekspedicії. Torgіvlya. Utopії

94,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: CHarris Robert
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9118-5
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Dyktator. kn.3

36,00 €

Category: Ost
Author: Za red. YU.Zavhorodn′oho
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9110-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible


27,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: CHarris Robert
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9208-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Lustrum. kn.2

36,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: YEshkilyev V.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9232-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Kayin: roman pro het′mana Pavla Teteryu-Moshkovs′koho ta yoho dobu

37,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Zacher-Mazoch L. fon
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9231-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Mandrivni komedianty

28,00 €

Series: Antychryst. Spravzhnya istoriya ordy-Rosiyi
Category: General History
Author: Baziv Vasyl′
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9162-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Antychryst. Spravzhnya istoriya ordy-Rosiyi. T.1. Svyata Rus′-Ukrayina i nechreschena Moskoviya (1169-1917)

26,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Zacher-Mazoch L. fon
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9209-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Venera v chutri

28,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Kafka F.
Publisher: Folio
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-9087-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Podorozhni schodennyky. Visim zoshytiv

26,00 €