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Found: 98975

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Novikov K.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31971-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gosudarstvennaya registraciya prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo.Predposylki, celi i glavnye priemy ich dostizheniya.Monografiya.

32,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Specialized dictionaries
Author: P/r Mal′ko A.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-21589-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gosudarstvennaya agrarnaya politika sovremennoj Rossii. YUridicheskij slovar′-spravochnik.

37,00 €

Category: Economy
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31898-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

GOST R 7.0.97-2016. Organizacionno-rasporyaditel′naya dokumentaciya. Trebovaniya k oformleniyu dokumentov.

25,00 €

Category: Classical literature
Author: Griboedov A.S.
Publisher: RG-Press
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9988-0993-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gore ot uma : komediya v chetyrech dejstviyach v stichach : Podrobnyj illyustrirovannyj kommentarij.

42,00 €

Category: Classical literature
Author: Griboedov A.S.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29945-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gore ot uma. (Novyj format.Illyustracii.Kommentarii).

29,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Philosophy
Author: CHumakov A.N.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-30458-5
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Global′nyj mir: stolknovenie interesov. Monografiya.

45,00 €

Category: Economy
Author: CHebotaryov N.F.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31493-5
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Global′nye rynki resursov.Monografiya.

37,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Philosophy
Author: Zacharova O.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31961-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Global′nye problemy sovremennosti. Uch.pos.

31,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Marchenko M.N.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29728-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Globalizaciya i osnovnye tendencii razvitiya nacional′nych i nadnacional′nych gosudarstvenno-pravovych sistem v XXI veke.

40,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Philosophy
Author: CHumakov A.N.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33047-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Globalizaciya.Kontury celostnogo mira.Monografiya.-3-e izd.

60,00 €

Category: English
Author: SHeveleva S.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-27946-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Glavnye idiomy anglijskogo yazyka. Slovar′-spravochnik.

19,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33144-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

GK RF.CHasti 1, 2, 3 i 4 po sost. na 1.11.20 s tablicej izmenenij i s putevoditelem po sudebnoj praktike.

22,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Ilyuchina YU.YU.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-30352-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

GK RF v schemach (chast′ 2).Uch.pos.

20,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Ilyuchina YU.YU.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31314-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

GK RF v schemach (chast′ 1).Uch.pos.

26,00 €

Category: History of other countries
Author: Antonyan YU.M.
Publisher: RG-Press
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9988-0945-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gitlerizm i germanskij narod.Monografiya.

42,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Belov A.A., CHortova E.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31091-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gimn, Gerb i Flag Rossijskoj Federacii.

25,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Policy
Author: Smirnov G.N., Dmitrieva I.A., Dmitriev V.E., Bumagina E.L.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33186-4
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geopolitika: teoriya i praktika.Uch.pos.

46,00 €

Category: Classical literature
Author: Achmatova A.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29703-0
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gibel′ Pushkina.

31,00 €

Category: Tourism
Author: Minenko N.D., Kuz′mina T.E.
Publisher: RG-Press
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9988-0713-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geografiya turizma Evropejskoj chasti Rossii.Uchebno-metodich. pos.

26,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Geographical research
Author: Naumov V.D.
Publisher: RG-Press
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9988-0477-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geografiya pochv. Obshhaya chast′. Uch.

54,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat
Category: Geographical research
Author: Naumov V.D.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31254-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geografiya pochv. Pochvy Rossii.Uch.

54,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: P/r Kozachenko I.YA., Sergeeva D.N.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-32762-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Geneticheskie issledovaniya: zakonodatel′stvo i ugolovnaya politika.Monografiya.-2-e izd., pererab. i dop.

46,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Psychology
Author: Klecina I.S., Ioffe E.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29368-1
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Gendernye normy kak social′no-psichologicheskij fenomen. Monografiya.

29,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Morozov P.E.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33194-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vychod iz nauchnogo zastoya: o neobchodimosti ispol′zovaniya technologii Data Mining v nauke trudovogo prava.Monografiya.

29,00 €

Author: CHuchlaev O.E., CHuchlaeva O.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-30325-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Garazh. Terapevticheskie skazki.

19,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Krotov M.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-24157-6
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vystupleniya polnomochnogo predstavitelya Prezidenta RF v Konstitucionnom Sude RF.2015–2018 gg.Sbornik v 2 t.T.2.

63,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Krotov M.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-28479-5
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vystupleniya polnomochnogo predstavitelya Prezidenta RF v Konstitucionnom Sude RF.2015–2018 gg.Sbornik v 2 t.T.1.

57,00 €

Category: Classical literature
Author: Pushkin A.S.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-30583-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks


19,00 €

Category: Religion
Author: Kuraev Andrej
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-9994-0121-2
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vyzov ekumenizma.

39,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Economy
Author: Zacharova E.V., Rusakovich V.I.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-19682-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vstuplenie Rossii v VTO: ogranicheniya i vozmozhnosti na sovremennom etape.Monografiya.

31,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31393-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vseobshhaya deklaraciya prav cheloveka.

18,00 €

Category: Pedagogy
Author: Sost. Romanovskij G.B.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-21538-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse ob obrazovanii. Sbornik normativnych pravovych aktov.

36,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-28224-1
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse ob oruzhii: sbornik normativnych aktov.

20,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Sost. Savel′ev D.B.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-27327-0
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o semejnom prave. Sbornik normativnych pravovych i sudebnych aktov.

36,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-27770-4
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o pravach zhenshhin. Sbornik normativnych aktov.

23,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31157-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o pravach cheloveka. Sbornik normativnych aktov.

19,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Sost. Skopinova M.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-25332-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o zashhite prav potrebitelej. Sbornik normativnych pravovych i sudebnych aktov.-2-e izd.

37,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Vishnevskij M.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33161-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o gribach. Populyarnaya enciklopediya.

66,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Kistanova E.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29134-2
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o vzyskanii alimentov na nesovershennoletnich detej. Prakticheskoe posobie.

22,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Bespalov YU.F.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33363-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o vzyskanii alimentov. Teoriya i praktika.Nauchno-praktich. pos.

23,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: English
Author: Vasil′eva E.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33100-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse vremena anglijskogo glagola dlya lenivych. Uch.pos.

20,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Sost. Ovchinnikova A.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-27326-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vse o bankrotstve grazhdan (vyderzhki iz normativnych pravovych aktov po sostoyaniyu na 01.02.2015, s izmeneniyami, vstupayushhimi v zakonnuyu silu 01.07.2015).

26,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Skutin A.F.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-13529-5
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vremennaya ostanovka arbitrazhnogo processa (voprosy teorii i praktiki).Monografiya.

32,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Otv. red. CHuchaev A.I.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31644-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vremya i sroki v ugolovnom prave Rossii.Monografiya.

45,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Grodzenskij S.YA.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-29253-0
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Solzhenicyne i Varlame SHalamove.-3-e izd., pererab. i dop.

32,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: p/r Cindeliani I.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31012-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Voprosy nesostoyatel′nosti (bankrotstva) v praktike Verchovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii.Praktich. pos.

73,00 €

Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Cindeliani I.A., Razgil′deev A.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-32585-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Voprosy tamozhennogo prava v praktike Verchovnogo Suda RF.Uch. pos.

76,00 €

Author: CHuchlaev O.E., CHuchlaeva O.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-31625-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Volshebnye kapel′ki schast′ya.Terapevticheskie skazki.

28,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Kamchatov K.V., CHashhina I.V., Velikaya E.V.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-30347-2
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vozobnovlenie proizvodstva po ugolovnomu delu vvidu novych ili vnov′ otkryvshichsya obstoyatel′stv.Monografiya.

29,00 €

Series: Bakalavriat. Magistratura. Specialitet. Aspirantura.
Category: Right. Jurisprudence
Author: Trisheva A.A.
Publisher: Prospekt
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-392-33288-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vozvrashhenie ugolovnogo dela prokuroru v rossijskom ugolovnom processe. Monografiya.

57,00 €