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Found: 98975

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-286-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHelovek - ieroglif vselennoj

29,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-254-2
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHelovek kak edinoe zvuchanie tvoryashhich Mirovych Slov

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-298-6
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

CHelovek i mir. Dejstvie ducha v prirode. O pchyolach

29,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-252-8
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

U vrat teosofii

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-310-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Teoriya i praktika meditacii

21,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-309-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sushhnost′ cveta i tajna radugi

21,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-019-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sotvorenie mira i cheloveka. Evolyuciya mira i cheloveka. Voprosy pitaniya. Zemnaya zhizn′ i dejstvie zvyozd

29,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-267-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Soznanie posvyashhyonnych

27,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-274-0
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sovremennaya duchovnaya zhizn′ i vospitanie

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Longin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-99941-871-4-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Prakticheskaya ezoterika

20,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-295-5
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Poznanie sushhestva cheloveka v otnoshenii ego tela, dushi i ducha

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-275-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Ocherk teorii poznaniya Gyotevskogo mirovozzreniya

25,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Longin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-257-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Okkul′tnaya fiziologiya.

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-306-8
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Okkul′tnye dvizheniya 19 stoletiya

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Longin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-272-6
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mezhdu smert′yu i novym rozhdeniem

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-246-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Individual′nye duchovnye sushhestva i ich dejstvie v dushe cheloveka

32,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Anthropology
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Enigma
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-94698-255-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Zodiak, planety, kosmos. Duchovnye ierarchii i ich otrazhenie v fizicheskom mire

26,00 €

Series: Filosofsko-antroposofskie issledovaniya
Category: Culture history
Author: SHtajner Rudol′f
Publisher: Longin
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-99941-971-6-4
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Vliyanie duchovnych sil na chod istorii. Znachenie rituala v razvitii chelovechestva

26,00 €

Category: Museums
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-0350-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Kuchumovskie chteniya. Atribuciya, istoriya i sud′ba predmetov iz muzejnych kollekcij 2020

39,00 €

Category: Painting
Author: O.K. Bazhenova
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-057-2
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pavlovskij dvorec-muzej. T. CH, Metall. Bronza. Vyp. 3. Lyustry. Fonari. Bra. Vtoraya polovina CHVIII - nachalo CHCH veka. Katalog

63,00 €

Category: Painting
Author: Kurator vystavki i avtor stat′i: N.M. Vershinina
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-047-3
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Toboj byl tak ukrashen svet!. Vystavka kostyumov imperatricy Marii Fedorovny. K 260-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. Katalog vystavki

48,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: R.R. Gafifullin, A.N. Guzanov, K. Kur-Korolev, O.I. Lameko, O.A. Tal′zi
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-048-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

In Memoriam. Izd. 2-e, dop. i pererab.

76,00 €

Category: Painting
Author: Lameko O.I.
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-049-7
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Pavlovsk. Polnyj katalog kollekcij. Grafika. Architekturnaya grafika konca XICH - nachala XX veka. Tom 15 vyp.2

54,00 €

Category: Painting
Author: O.I. Lameko
Publisher: Gosudarstvennyj muzej-zapovednik Pavlovsk
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91816-047-3 Lameko
Publishing year: 2019
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Karl Rossi. Portret na fone Pavlovska

39,00 €

Category: Sociology. Social work
Author: Sorokin P. A.
Publisher: Centr gumanitarnych iniciativ
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-98712-256-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Sovremennye sociologicheskie teorii (vklyuchaya pervuyu chetvert′ CHCH stoletiya)/ Vtoroe izdanie.

60,00 €

Series: Humanitas
Category: Literary studies
Author: Isupov K.
Publisher: Centr gumanitarnych iniciativ
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-98712-258-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Mental′nye landshafty v tvorchestve Dostoevskogo

31,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Filatkina N.A.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-181-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Rod dvoryan Arsen′evych v licach i sud′bach (IV-XIX vv.)

29,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Moiseev D.I.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-6040821-5-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Aleksandr I. Sfinks, ne razgadannyj do groba

32,00 €

Category: Graphic arts. Schedule. Engraving
Author: CHekmarev V.M.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-182-8
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Rossiya v anglijskoj grafike. Evropejskaya, aziatskaya i amerikanskaya chasti v carstvovanie Ekateriny II i Pavla I (1762 - 1801 gg.)

28,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Kozhurin K.YA.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-190-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

ZHizn′ i zhitie protopopa Avvakuma

32,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Topolyanskij V.D.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-194-1
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Lichnost′ v bezvremen′e

25,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-198-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Na pamyat′ budushhemu. Al′manach, 2021

29,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Lepyavko O.V.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-6044242-2-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Svyatoj doktor Gaaz v sud′be Rossii

29,00 €

Category: Moscow
Author: Kiprin V.A.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-191-0
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Proshloe i nastoyashhee moskovskich pamyatnikov

28,00 €

Category: Memoirs. letters
Author: Annenkova E.A.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-199-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Velikaya knyaginya Aleksandra Petrovna. Miloserdnaya sestra russkogo naroda

26,00 €

Category: Graphic arts. Schedule. Engraving
Author: CHekmarev V.M.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-196-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Rossiya v anglijskoj grafike (1917-1938 gg.)

29,00 €

Category: Russian aristocratic manor
Author: Cipris I.B.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-202-3
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

…Vliyanie krasoty ty zhivo chuvstvuesh′

24,00 €

Category: Non-Fiction
Author: Topolyanskij V.D.
Publisher: TONCHU
Publishing country: Russia
ISBN: 978-5-91215-201-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: 4-6 weeks

Iznanka pokusheniya

28,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: CHasto P.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8382-65-9
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible


33,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Bohuslavets′ L.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8382-47-5
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

ZHarty z vohnem

33,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: Zots I.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8382-51-2
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: sold out


Free access

Category: Modern prose
Author: Selyuk M.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-605-004-9
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Duch i volya proty svavoli. Sotnya prokuroriv i suddiv. Knyha druha

60,00 €

Category: Modern prose
Author: SCHerbak YU.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617 Scerbak
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Mertva pamyat′

42,00 €

Series: Zіbrannya tvorіv Іvana Korsaka
Category: Modern prose
Author: Korsak I.
Publisher: YAroslaviv Val
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-8382-43-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Tycha pravda Modesta Levyts′koho. Kapelan armiyi UNR. Het′manych Orlyk. Tretiy tom zibrannya tvoriv Ivana Korsaka

39,00 €

Category: Choreography
Author: Boyko O. S.
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7320-01-1
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

CHudozhniy obraz v ukrayins′komu narodno-stsenichnomu tantsi. Monohrafiya

29,00 €

Category: Ukraine
Author: Uporyadnyk R. Roslyak
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7507-45-0
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Protokoly Pravlinnya VUFKU (1922–1930 rr.): zb. arch. dok. Zbil′shenyy format V5.

94,00 €

Category: Choreography
Author: CHepalov O. I.
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-520-019-3
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

CHoreolohiya : st. ta lektsiyi

31,00 €

Category: Music. Musicology
Author: Mychalyuk A.M.
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7320-48-6
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Formuvannya vykonavs′koyi kul′tury maybutnich uchyteliv muzyky zasobamy ukrayins′koho fortepiannoho mystetstva. Navchal′no-metodychnyy posibnyk.

30,00 €

Category: Music. Musicology
Author: Tormachova V. M.
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7507-33-7
Publishing year: 2020
Delivery time: if possible

Ukrayins′ka estradna muzyka i fol′klor: vzayemopronyknennya i syntez. Monohrafiya

29,00 €

Category: Music. Musicology
Author: Pistunova T. V.
Publisher: LIRA-K
Publishing country: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-617-7507-46-7
Publishing year: 2021
Delivery time: if possible

Ukrayins′ka instrumental′na muzyka. Muzychno-tekstolo­hichnyy analiz. Navch. posib.

26,00 €