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Rise aft er a Fall


  • Erscheinungsland: Ukraine
    Sprache: Englisch
    Autor: Afanasiev G.
    Verlag: Folio
    Publishing-Stadt: CHar′kov
    ISBN: 978-966-03-8409-5 (e-book)
    Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
    Seitenzahl: 348

  • What can make a person leave his comfortable life and, despite the threat to life, following the voice of his heart, fi ght for what he loves, when peaceful days suddenly turn into war? What happens to a person steamrolled with repressive system, seeking to destroy, demolish and turn to ashes everything he cherishes? Th is book is the rough truth of the morals in today’s Russian Federation, the country turned into a GULAG, of being a prisoner of war, when the past is ruined, and the future is nowhere. How, facing up to your ruthless enemy, endure and keep fi ghting? You can rise aft er a fall only by unchaining your mind. But is it enough for a person who has been deprived of hope?

Serie: ŠČodenniki і memuari
Rubrik: Memoiren. Briefe
Erscheinungsland: Ukraine
Sprache: Englisch
Thematik nach Land: Ukraine
Autor: Afanasiev G.
Verlag: Folio
Publishing-Stadt: CHar′kov
ISBN: 978-966-03-8409-5 (e-book)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Seitenzahl: 348
Stadium: Herausgeben
Format: E-Book

What can make a person leave his comfortable life and, despite the threat to life, following the voice of his heart, fi ght for what he loves, when peaceful days suddenly turn into war? What happens to a person steamrolled with repressive system, seeking to destroy, demolish and turn to ashes everything he cherishes? Th is book is the rough truth of the morals in today’s Russian Federation, the country turned into a GULAG, of being a prisoner of war, when the past is ruined, and the future is nowhere. How, facing up to your ruthless enemy, endure and keep fi ghting? You can rise aft er a fall only by unchaining your mind. But is it enough for a person who has been deprived of hope?

15,00 €

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Aus diese Serie

Dateien: epub, pdf
Serie: ŠČodenniki і memuari
Rubrik: Memoiren. Briefe
Autor: Afanasiev G.
Verlag: Folio
Erscheinungsland: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8409-5 (e-book)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Rise aft er a Fall

15,00 €
ABO ∞: 7,50
FULL ∞: 15,00

Dateien: epub, pdf
Serie: ŠČodenniki і memuari
Rubrik: Publizistik
Autor: Shyla Anna
Verlag: Folio
Erscheinungsland: Ukraine
ISBN: 978-966-03-8408-8 (e-book)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

Woman of War

15,00 €
ABO ∞: 7,50
FULL ∞: 15,00